Check out these articles about the project.
Written by Halina Kiljanczyk
Urban farmers, Andre and Amanda Maxwell, of East Olympia have written a charmer of a boo It is a must-have book to read-aloud to toddlers and preschoolers. With urban/backyard farming on the rise, their story is perfectly timed and captured.
The Maxwell’s and Carter have created a world to be enjoyed over and over again.
Humorous and uplifting, I fell in love with “Sean,” the dog-star of this book. Based on the author’s big black lab, “Sean Connery,” I already am hoping for sequels!
Written by Brandi Rademacher
Serving Washington Team Blog
I met them at the Thurston County Fair promoting their book, The Chicken and the Dog. Andre and Amanda Maxwell have written an adorable book about trying to cultivate Urban farming that appeals to the youngest of readers (and I couldn’t help lovin’ it, too!). It tells the partly true story of two urban chickens whose happy life is interrupted by bandits of the masked kind (raccoons) in a chicken burglary that leads the dog and one of the chickens on a rescue mission all around Olympia to find their stolen friend.
Olympia couple celebrates urban chickens in heartwarming tale based on true events
from Living in Olympia by Mike Conner
You can tell a lot about a person by the way they react during times of adversity. Do they succumb to pressure and let outside conditions bring them down? Or do they rise above and make lemonade out of life’s lemons? When I read the story of local residents Andre and Amanda Maxwell I knew instantly they were lemonade people, and that I needed to meet them to learn more about their story and their vision.
by Chris West, Olympia KOMO news
It's a force the urban chicken owner knows all too well – the neighborhood pack of raccoons.
Now, an Olympia couple has turned a personal story of loss into a new children’s book.
Andre and Amanda Maxwell crafted the tale based on events that unfolded in the backyard of their yellow cottage on the eastside of Olympia.
OLYMPIA, Wash. – A new book by two northwest authors is hitting the shelves early this spring, and shining a light on the joys, and trials, of raising backyard chickens.
“The Chicken and the Dog” is based on the true story of two urban chickens, who share their backyard with a black Labrador retriever in Olympia. The authors, Andre and Amanda Maxwell, wrote the story after raccoons broke into their coop one night and stole away with their beloved Rhode Island Red chicken.